15 + Background Image Css No Repeat Cover HD Wallpapers. This may or may not suit your purposes. body background: url(images/image_name.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; Here is a good solution to get your image to cover the full area of the web. Use the CSS rule background-repeat: no-repeat to prevent it from tiling, and use either background-size: cover or background-size: contain , depending on your expected outcome Add these three lines in your external style sheet to prevent the repetition of image in your background. background-size: cover; cover tells the browser to make sure the image always covers the entire container, in this case html.
By default, a background-image is repeated both vertically and The background-image is repeated as much as possible without clipping. The browser can also choose to display your background image as tiles depending on its size. The background-repeat CSS property sets how background images are repeated.
21 + Background Image Css No Repeat Cover High Quality Images
We set the image url via a CSS custom property, that's set via the style attribute in our HTML */..image-box__background { background: var(--image-url) center center no-repeat; background-size: cover the css attributes 'background-position: center' & 'background-size: cover' on an element with a background-image only work, as long as the background image gets cropped vertically, but if it would get cropped horizontally, the image will instead be stretched and repeated. this is how it looks like. background: [background-image] [background-position] / [background-size] [background-repeat] [background-attachment] [background-origin] [background-clip] [background-color]; Each property value is separated by at least one spacing character.
css - background repeat-x with margin/padding - Stack Overflow