15 + Background Image In Html No Repeat HD Wallpapers. The above example uses the background-repeat property to set the image to no-repeat. Thanks for Watching. no-repeat: The background-image will not be repeated. initial: Sets the property to default value. inherit: The property is inherited from its parent element.
This line tells the web browser to only display the image once, instead of repeating the image over and over again. Never crop the image unless a single image is too large to fit. Make your background image repeat with this HTML background repeat code.
21 + Background Image In Html No Repeat Desktop Wallpaper
background-image always just defines an image file, so in your example, the second background-image rule is attempting to override the first one, but since For getting no repeat of background in html use this syntax: CSS(Internal stylesheet) use this code in style tag in head part.
CSS Background Repeat - Stack Overflow